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Cherry Hill Quads

July 12, 2019
2349 Marlton Pike W
Cherry Hill, NJ 08002 United States
  • This event has passed.

Cherry Hill, New Jersey USA
July 12, 2019

Chess Educators is delighted to welcome chess players to play in the Cherry Hill Quads. This event is open to all chess players.

Tournament Format:

3-RR, G/30 + 5 seconds delay.

USCF membership required.

Time Control:

G/30 + 5 seconds delay.


July 12, 2019

Rounds: 4pm, 5:15pm & 6:30pm.

Entry Fee:

  • $25 All Players
  • $15 onsite for players enrolled in the ‘Masters Academy’ which is taking place at the venue from July 10-12, 2019.

Complete information on the tournament page: https://www.chesseducators.com/cherry-hill-quads/

Register Now –>

Date: July 12, 2019
Cost: $25
Venue Name: Crowne Plaza Philadelphia-Cherry Hill
Address: 2349 Marlton Pike W
Cherry Hill, NJ 08002 United States

+ Google Map
Phone: 888-233-9527
Organizer Name: Chess Educators