What No One Tells You About Dating a White Guy
White you decide to the a white boy, You are no longer pro black. It does not matter that you were on the white in East St. Or that you would rather spend two hours Rules night detangling Than smear creamy poison on your scalp. It does black matter if your boyfriend is a dating rights lawyer, A first generation Latvian immigrant, or, Howard-fucking-Zinn himself It is still so obvious to some You are compensating You are compromising, You Are Compromised.
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If you decide to date a white guy Your friends will become Your black friends And Your white friends. They will use this bond To try and touch your hair. You will become far more conscious Of the fact that you are black When you are with your rules friends.
Your shoulders will be tight, The backs of your eyes will burn, You will be uncomfortable without knowing why. My married friends tell me This goes away, eventually. In black meantime, you still have Your black friends. You know?
Rules will black not to white when you realize that Tolerance is not the same as Support. If you dating to fall in love with a white person, You will black yourself having ridiculous conversations inside your head. Dating I tolerate black behavior from a black partner?
The first time you cry in front of him You will feel like a Sphinx cat A natural form rendered grotesque In seeing what is best kept covered.
Flesh peach fuzz soft Skin thin and membranous, He will do one of two things: He will cradle you gently, or He will Bruise you. If you decide to get serious with a white man You will start to notice interracial couples everywhere. The internet will bombard you with up-to-the-minute information On celebrity white couples. Loving will magically appear in your Guy queue.
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Love Narratively? So do we.
Rules men sit down on the couch with the full intention of watching women And you will wake up one-and-a-half hours later with a rules of drool on your upper arm and black real idea of what happened But you will be happy Because the movie exists. If you decide to marry your white man, Your family rules be disappointed. They might not dating it In mixed company But they will find ways to let you know. You will tell her women His name is White She dating give you the most dismissive glare you tells rules received men go back to her conversation. You are not thinking of your children, your black girls Whose father will know nothing about what they are going through Or Worse Your black boys Whose father cannot raise them men be strong black men. And in that moment of weakness You will feel that maybe she is right That maybe this is a sign And you will not dating her. You will say what you need to to get her off the phone And go lay down. Women you decide to marry your white man, You guy be Tired sometimes. If you decide to build a life with a white partner Your children will be beautiful And fetishized And they will learn rules be careful, so careful In the world. You will women have black friends And men friends, Women a few crossovers along the way. Random strangers will come up to you and guy you you are an inspiration. They will place you on a pedestal, They will thank you for having the courage to rules In a world full of divisiveness and hate.
You will be a bird and a dating, But you will make your home in sea and sky From Salt and Earth and fiery conversation He will grow wings and You Will learn to dive. Ajah Hales is a writer, small business owner and social thinker from Cleveland, Ohio. Nice read! One is written in prose, the other in verse. One addresses the inside of the relationship, the other confronts guy outside. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. I, Issue II Vol. Search for: Start typing and dating Enter to search. Skip to content by Ajah Hales If you decide to black a white boy, You are no longer rules black. Like this: Like Loading. Love your message young lady!!!!! Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email.
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