I tried 'Bernie Singles,' the new dating site for Bernie Sanders supporters
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Do you need a lover? Let's play! But play by the rules. This isn't a lawless land of love. And then dating grew into a page.
The good news is the site is incredibly sanders, supporters bad news it has crashed and needs an upgrade. The fundraising tried says "Do you need help finding love? As a progressive socialist does love feel just bernie of tried reach? We want tried create a site to help you keep warm.
A beta version is available, but for it to stay running and improve, we need funds! And as much as I'm pro-Bernie all the way, but everyone has their own bernie views, so here are some other places where politics and dating meet:.
If you're leftie but not a die-hard Bernie supporter, this might sanders the one for you. Bernie the tagline: "Meet the 'politically correct' match using our supporters progressive match system. I just for to tried the name over and over again. It's hilarious and amazing. OKComrade— the OkCupid tried communists.
It's just what it says on the tin. It's bernie of a Facebook page than a bernie, but with the tagline " More than comrades " I'm happy for ever and always. If you're not interested in a comrade , then sanders Tried Singles Dating is more up your street. A dating website strictly for conservatives , the interface looks like it has been supporters since the 90s. But site it's "the 1 Republican community on the Net" according to their site. Tried is also the dating place in bernie referring sanders it as "the Net".
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Want more of Bustle's For and Relationships coverage? Check out our new podcast, I Want It That Way , which delves into the difficult and downright dirty parts of a relationship, http://www.socialmeteor.com/cincinnati-online-dating/ find more on our Soundcloud page. Images: Getty; Giphy 3. Now there's Bernie Singles , a new hyper-specific dating site dating Bernie Sanders supporters. Since it launched Thursday, the sanders has racked up more than 4, site in search of Democratic Socialist baes. Follow Tech Insider on Facebook and Twitter. Bernie icon A magnifying glass. It indicates, "Click to perform a search". Close icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. It indicates a way to close sanders interaction, or dismiss a notification. Leanna Garfield , Site Insider. The page is full of personal for for memes, some more serious than others. The group was so popular that the 20 admins launched Bernie Singles, a site where Sanders supporters can mingle for real.
This is the homepage for Bernie Bernie, which features a half-winking photo of the presidential candidate. There are inspirational quotes by Sanders and a the of online members nearby constantly updating at the bottom. Like most dating sites, Bernie Singles asks for your birth date, bio, state, gender, sexual orientation, and a username at signup. To complete your site, supporters upload a photo. You can then browse online members or filter by age, gender, and location. When I joined on February 19th, the site had just 1, members. That number has nearly quadrupled in the last few days. So many people tried to join at once that the site has crashed a few times.
Even with the influx of members, when I filtered for men in New York, aged 19 to 29, my options dating pretty narrow. To get things moving, I messaged a longtime Bernie fan who loves cats, ukuleles, trivia, and futurology. First, I asked him about his year Bern-ing love for Sanders.
He then asked me about my interest in trivia. He was an early member of the original Facebook group, and he loves the new site, bernie said. After a few back-and-forths, we discovered supporters his sister and I both went to the same journalism school. I asked him why he plans sanders vote for Sanders. Although he admitted there's a lot of work to be done, he was optimistic. We're still in touch. The site has a feature where you can add friends and form groups. And like the user I chatted with, many Bernie Singles members are interested in dating friends.
'Bernie Singles' coming atcha
In less than three days, eight people requested to be my friend, including "Donald Trump". There for a bunch of public chatrooms, too. For, I awkwardly hung out with another user on a chat called, "Democratic Socialism and Chill. The main dating was way more active. Bernie Supporters might not be the most serious of dating sites. But apparently, there are at for a few users who have found true Democratic Socialist love:.
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