This Spring, the 2013 U.S. Junior Open comes to Tarrytown, New York!
May 31 – June 2, 2013
The U.S. Chess Federation and Chess Educators are pleased to invite you to participate in the 2013 U.S. Junior Open.
Where: Doubletree Tarrytown Hotel; 455 South Broadway; Tarrytown, NY 10591 USA
Tournament Organizer: IO Beatriz Marinello; Chess Educators
Chief TD: IA Carol Jarecki
Tournament Format: 6 Rounds, Swiss System. One 1/2 point bye available, except Rd 6, if requested prior to Round 1
Time Control: G/1:55. plus 5 second delay.
Rating: USCF Rated; Sections Under 21 & Under 15 are FIDE Rated.
4 Sections: (by age) U21, U15, U11, U8 (ages as of 1/1/2013). Individual and Team Awards (schools and clubs). Plaques are decided by tie breaks, cash prizes are divisible.
- UNDER 21: #1 player gets the US Junior Open Champion title, qualifies to play in the 2014 US Junior Closed Invitational, if still eligible by age. Plaque and $600; #2-5 players cash prizes: $400-$300-$200-$100; Plaques for best player age 18, 17, 16, 15, top Girl, top ratings U2000, U1800, U 1600, U1400, U1200.
- UNDER 15: #1 player gets the US Junior Under 15 Champion title, Plaque and $400; #2 – 5 players cash prizes: $300-$200-$100-$50. Plaques for best player age 14, 13, 12, 11, top Girl, top ratings U1800, U 1600, U1400, U1200, U1000.
- UNDER 11: #1 player gets the US Junior Under 11 Champion title, Plaque and $300; #2 – 5 players cash prizes: $200-$100-$75 -$50.Plaques for best player age 10, 9, 8, top Girl, top ratings U 1600, U1400, U1200, U1000, U800.
- UNDER 8: #1 player gets the US Junior Under 8 Champion title, Plaque and $200; #2-5 players cash prizes: $150-$100-$75 -$50. Plaques for best player age 7, 6, 5, top Girl, top ratings U1400, U1200, U1000, U800, U600.
SCHOOLS AND CLUBS TEAM TROPHIES AWARDS FOR ALL THE SECTIONS: (minimum 3 players for team, and winning teams will be selected by the top three individual scores) SCHOOL TEAM AWARDS TOP 5; CLUB TEAM AWARDS TOP 5.
- Rounds 1-4 ; May 31 & June 1: 11am & 5 pm;
- Rounds 5-6; June 2: 9am & 2 pm;
- Award ceremony; June 2: 7pm.
Entry Fee & Registration:
- $60 if registered or postmarked by April 22, 2013,
- $70 if registered or postmarked by May 20, 2013
- $80 after May 20
- $100 at site from 8am-10am
Players registering on site after 10am (Friday) will not be paired for round 1, will receive a 1/2 bye, and will begin play with round 2.
Withdrawals: If you registered and cannot participate in the tournament, please send us an email at as soon as possible.
Refunds: If a player withdraws from the tournament, refunds will be processed only if the refund is requested prior to May 29, 2013. No refunds after May 29, 2013.
- Click Here for Online Registrations.
- Click Here for Online Payments.
- Mail entries to Chess Educators P.O. Box 160 New York, New York 10028
- DOUBLE TREE TARRYTOWN HOTEL, 455 South Broadway, Tarrytown, NY 10591, USA. Located in Westchester county in New York, only 40 minutes away from Grand Central Station in New York City by Metro North Train.
- Chess Rate $129 single/double/triple/quad Free Parking, free internet connection.
- Reservation: Call 914-631-5700 or online at and enter the group code CHS. Chess rate applies to reservations made by April 26th.
Tournament Organizer, Beatriz Marinello at Tel: 917-553-4522 or by email at; Official website is
2013 Blitz US Junior
7 Rounds G 5; Thursday, May 30th @ 5 pm.
Three Sections:
- Open
- Under 1600
- Under 1000
Fee: $20
Blitz Tournament Registration:
The Blitz Tournament will take place at the DoubleTree (Tarrytown) hotel in the ‘River Room’. On-site registrations for the Blitz tournament will begin at 1pm and will close at 4:30pm . The Blitz Tournament begins at 5pm. Prizes for top 5 players in each section.
Related News: Results of 2012 U.S. Junior Open

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